Did you know?

Founded on 1 June 1956, the Dubai Police Force started in Naif (a locality in the Deira side of Dubai) with only 29 members, with the first police station being known as 'Naif Fort'.

Naif Police Station

Shoe Boxes before Computers

Dubai Police are well known for their use of technology today.

In 1970s, things were different.

Technology had yet to find its place in Dubai.

But then crime was not a feature of everyday life either.

Dubai Police dealt with crime and effects of crime in the best way they could.

The Incident

My wife and her friend Patricia went shopping in Dubai.

Patricia took her handbag. Patricia always took her handbag.

Patricia put her handbag down while she was shopping to look at something she thought of buying.

When Patricia went to pick up her handbag, it was gone. Patricia's handbag had been stolen.

Patricia was not so much concerned with losing her handbag as losing her driving licence which was in her handbag!

That meant getting a replacement driving licence.

My wife and her friend Patricia set off for the Police Station in Muqqarabat on Deiraside.

At Muqqarabat Police Station

Patricia explained her circumstances to the Policeman at the desk.

She went on to explain her primary need was a replacement driving licence.

Policeman went away, returning soon after, beckoning Patricia and my wife to follow him.

He led them into a room with chairs and a table. They sat down and waited.

Policemen left returning minutes later accompanied by another Policeman carrying two shoeboxes.

The Search

Policeman placed his two shoeboxes on the table and sat down. The other Policeman left the room.

Policemen then asked Patricia for her full name which she provided. He then pulled out of one of the shoeboxes a sheet of paper. It was a Driving Licence Application Form.

Shoeboxes were where Dubai Police kept Driving Licence Application Form records!

Policeman searched through all the Driving Applicaation Forms in both shoeboxes. He couldn't locate Patricia's Driving Licence Application.

He left the room to return holding several more shoeboxes which he put on the table.

A Communal Effort

Clearly the search was going to take a long time so Patricia and my Wife offered to help.

Policeman welcomed their offer and gave each a shoebox to search.

But no success despite searching through more shoeboxes the Policeman kept producing.

Success at Last

All three had been looking for a Driving Licence Application in Patricia's surname.

One form was spotted where the applicant's name was Mrs Patricia. Closer examination showed it was Patricia's application albeit recorded in her first name and not her surname.

Everyone was relieved, none more so than Patricia who could now get a replacement Driving Licence.


My wife remembers that day.

She fondly recalls how searching through shoeboxes for a Driving Licence Application with a Dubai Policeman became an enjoyable social experience!

Searching with Computers is faster and more efficient.

Searching through Shoeboxes is more fun!!