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Did you know?

Two Concerts were held at Nad Al Sheba Racecourse

Whitney Houston - February 2004

as part of her "Prior to Soul Divas" Tour

Robbie Williams - April 2006

as part of his "Close Encounters World" Tour.

Finding Your Way Home in 1990s Dubai.

In 1990s, Dubai still had many of the characteristics of "Old Dubai".

Large scale developments that were to shape the "New" Dubai and change how Dubai was perceived in the world had yet to happen.

Lifestyles had changed over the past 20 plus years but not dramatically so.

Dubai still retained its attitudes and courtesies from days past as a newly arrived Colleague was to discover.

He was, of course, unfamiliar with Dubai's ways and even more unfamiliar with Dubai's roads.

Those "unfamiliarities" came together one evening in 1996 when "Old" Dubai courtesies came to his aid in a surprising way.

Nad Al Sheba Racecourse

Nad Al Sheba Racecourse opened in 1986 and became home to the inaugural "Dubai World Cup" in 1996.

This prestigious event plus regular race meetings made horse racing popular with all the different Nationalities living in Dubai.

"Betting" was not permitted. An alternative "Draw" or "Raffle" was on offer where racegoers selected their choice of winner from the race list.

Prizes were given to those Racegoers who selected the race winners.

An Evening of Horse Racing

Myself, my new Colleague and others were invited to the 1996 World Cup at Nad Al Sheba.

Some of us entered the spirit of the evening by selecting a horse in the Draw or Raffle.

None selected a winner! A young English School Teacher selected the winner of the World Cup.

Her prize was a Racehorse!

Sheikh Mohammed announced he would fund the winner's horse for a season of racing.

Meanwhile, we enjoyed the hospitality provided by our Host.

Allen Paulson's Cigar ridden by Jerry Bailey wins 1996 Dubai World Cup!

Time to go Home

That's when my new Colleague encountered a problem!

A Traffic Roundabout had been built at the exit from Nad Al Sheba Racecourse to aid traffic flow.

It offered two options, either turn right or turn left.

My new Colleague could not remember which way to turn!

Instead, he drove around the roundabout while deciding which road to take.

Later, he couldn't recall how many times he had circulated the roundabout, maybe just twice but it could have been three times.

And Then

Decision Time!

He decided which road to take to get home

He left the roundabout and began his drive home.

Barely 100 meters later, he saw in his rear mirror flashing lights of a Police Car.

Stopping at the roadside was the only option. The Police Car stopped too. A Policeman exited the Police Car and walked to my Colleague's car.

My Colleague was nervous. He had read of punishements handed out to those that consumed alcohol in the Middle East!

He wound down his car window a couple of centimetres.

Through that tiny opening, the Policeman asked my Colleague if he was OK?

Answer was "Yes, I'm OK. I'm new to Dubai. I wasn't sure which road I should take to get home."

Policeman asked if my Colleague knew his home address. He did - but only just!

Policeman made a note of the address then said:

"Follow me. I will take you to your home."

And he did!!!

Show me the way to go home!!

My Colleague carefully followed the Police Car all the way to his home.

When both cars arrived, there were waves and smiles. Police Car then drove away leaving my Colleague at his front door.

He later said how pleased he was to be home and was thankful and appreciative of the Dubai Police's assistance.

He was also very thankful the Policeman did not ask him to lower his car window!!