Peris Sinnet-Jones' Abu Musa Adventure 1967
A Fishing Trip that nearly became an International Incident
An Eid holiday late in 1967 coincided with a long weekend,
Robin Webb from Halcrow’s main office in Deira, arranged with Nevil Allen, Halcrow’s Chief Resident Engineer, to take a group of Engineers on a fishing trip in Halcrow’s locally built local Dhow to Abu Musa Island, part of Sharjah's territory.
The trip started with everyone in holiday mood, snorkeling and fishing on the way over to Abu Musa.
Dhow's Nakhoda (Captain) and crew prepared splendid spicy barbecued fish and rice for our meals. Surplus freshly caught fish was given to the islanders on our arrival there.
Camping equipment was taken so that we could set up camp on the island. Water on the island was brackish but there was plenty of fresh water in reserve on the launch. I had taken a water testing kit and sample bottles with me for detailed chemical analyses for the water resources report.
Second Day
was spent generally exploring the island some 3-4kms in diameter and swimming from one of the sandy beaches.
On the third day
We had made arrangements with Dubai Petroleum before leaving Dubai to visit their offshore drilling rig for lunch.
However on the way there a shamal started blowing up and the swell was heavy.
On arrival at the platform, the swell and waves prevented us from mooring to the platform so we came back via the Tumb Islands that belonged to Ras al Khaimah but claimed by Iran.
On arrival back at Abu Musa the sea was very rough and the launch anchored in the lee of the island, where a Shell coastal tanker was moored.
Getting back to our camp, we discovered it had been ransacked!

Local headman was really upset as this sort of behaviour was unknown on the island. It turned out it had been some young children looking for food. As it happened we had a good supply of freshly caught fish which we gave to their families.
The following day the storm had not subsided and we had no way of knowing how long it was going to last.
Later in the day Robin Webb and I, with Rashid rowed over in the tender to the Shell tanker. A radio message was sent, via Gray MacKenzie to Halcrow to say we were OK and would be making our way back when the storm had subsided.
However the Bristow resupply helicopter for the offshore rig landed with a message from Halcrow to say we had to return immediately to Dubai on the helicopter.
The launch was to return when the storm had subsided. It arrived back safely the following day, when the shimal had abated.
Back in Dubai
Landing at Dubai airport we were greeted by Immigration Officials who detained us wanting to stamp our passports with “Distressed British Subjects”.
We had no passports with us, so were in a heap load of trouble, as it was thought we had landed on Iranian territory illegally.
Elizabeth Marr, from HBM Political Agency, was one of the members of the fishing trip and was able to contact Terry Clarke, the Deputy Political Agent, to sort things out to the satisfaction of the Immigration Officials. What a day!
More to Come!
The following day, a very irate Nevil Allen, claiming we had caused a major diplomatic incident, told us we had to pay for the helicopter rescue by Bristow. That would have amounted to many thousands of Qatar Dubai Riyals.
The pilot lived two doors away from me in the Sheikh Ahmed flats so I went to see him. He told me that Bristows were not going to charge as they classed it as a training exercise.
A compromise was reached with Nevil Allen that we make a donation to the English Speaking School funds in Jumeirah and to the Al Maktum Hospital in Deira.