Did you know?

Dubai Police was founded by Captain Peter H. Clayton

Peter was an Officer in the Trucial Scouts

Sheikh Rashid established Dubai Police in 1956 with Peter as its first Chief

Peter spoke fluent Arabic, adopted the Arab way of life and the name Sultan bin Hamis while in the UAE

Peter Clayton died July 2011

Capt. P H Clayton

Source Gulf News

Dubai Police 1963

Dubai Police in 1963 comprised British Officers and local junior officers.
Many of the ordinary Policemen recruited from outside Dubai.
Two key characteristics developed then have continued into modern times
Courtesy when dealing with the public and the use of technology.
Dubai was a safe place but there were still crimes to deal with
And a growing need to manage Dubai's increasing traffic.

As I approached my Jumeirah Villa, I saw a van parked in my driveway.
I parked the car and went to investigate.
I found a group of men removing furniture from my Villa into the back of their van.
When they saw me they jumped into their van and drove off.

Resident reporting to Dubai Police 1971

Dubai Police recovered my stolen Land Rover after four days.
They said it had been used to rob a Petrol Station.
Police found a Budgerigar in a cage in the back of the Land Rover.
I told them the Budgerigar wasn't mine.

One of few Expats to own a Landrover in 1971

©–L Hejze

Dubai introduced a new Safety Belt Law
Dubai Police were keen to make sure Motorists complied with the new Law.
They offered an inducement.
If Dubai Police caught you speeding but wearing a seat belt then there would be no speeding charge.
I was driving to work wearing my seat belt when Dubai Police stopped me. Policeman came to my car window and began talking to me in Arabic which I didn't understand. That lack of understanding must have shown in my face because the Policeman stopped explaining, reached inside my car, grabbed my seat belt and repeated "Fan Belt, Fan Belt" then waived me to continue on my way.
I must have been speeding - but I didn't think I was.

©–L Hejze

Newly arrived in Dubai, I had to visit the local Police Station to obtain my Driving Licence.
Being a female, I was apprehensive at the prospect of dealing with the local Police.
Every Driving Licence Counter had a long queue of men - no women anywhere.
I wasn't sure what to do then I saw an arm waiving at me from behind one of the counters. The arm beckoned me to come forward at the same time there was a stream of orders shouted from behind the counter. The queue moved aside until I could see the Policeman whose arm had been waiving at me.
He again beckoned me to come to the counter which I did.
He took my paperwork and, a few minutes later, handed me my new Dubai Driving Licence with a smile.
I thanked him, said "Goodbye" and left.
The queue moved back into place and began their long wait.

My wife's story of her Dubai Driving Licence 1971