Did you know?

While Dubai Police may invest in Bugatti Cars to catch the bad guys today

Police Landrovers ruled the roads in Dubai as it used to be

And they could be just as exciting as a Bugatti - in the right hands!

Problems with Buying Shoes
and Parking in 1970s Dubai

Buying shoes was easy. Parking a car was equally easy.

Both Dubai and Deira had plenty of open sand areas where a car could be safely parked.
A 4WD helped as road kerbs could be driven over and softer sand areas used.

Street Parking was more problematical. There were few purpose built car parks and no parking meters back then.
Street parking was the norm if a space could be found.
"No Parking" signs abounded but no one ever enforced them.
Around 1977 that situation changed.

Dubai wanted to be like everywhere else in the civilised World!

My day started quite well and then....

7 am
Read the Khaleej Times
See "The Red Shoe" is advertising their annual sale.
My favourite Shoe Shop. Shoes always good value. Spanish and Italian.
Go this afternoon.
4 pm
Drive to Deira.
Public car park full.
See two cars parked by No Parking sign.
Parked behind them.
No one ever worries about No Parking signs.
Off to The Red Shoe Shop.
Shoes bought.
Back to the car.
Other cars have gone.
See a Notice stuck on my windscreen.
Who gets CLAMPED in Dubai??
No one! CLAMPED IN DUBAI !!!!!
Sure enough there's a yellow clamp on rear wheel.
What can I do?????
Back at The Red Shoe.
Telephone Naif Police Station (no mobiles then).
Police say come to Naif Police Station.
Telephone wife to let her know.
Call a taxi.
Off to Naif Police Station.
See Desk Sergeant.
He doesn't know about CLAMPS!
Young Constable does.
Sergeant fills in Report Book.
"What's the Fine?"
"150 Dirhams"
"150 Dirhams!!?
That's steep"
I sign Police Report Form.
Sergeant calls for Clamp Keys.
YC brings brown paper bag.
Empties contents onto Sergeant's Desk.
There's a pile of keys.
YC selects key with yellow tag.
Sergeant tells me to follow YC.
Climb aboard YC's old Police LandRover
- no side windows.
YC starts engine and blue flashing light, starts police siren.
Takes off at speed.
We weave through Deira's backstreets at breakneck speed.
Hit a narrow road and slow down.
Taxi is ahead.
Taxi Driver sees Police LandRover - slows down.
YC flashes headlights.
Taxi slows down more. LR now almost touching the Taxi.
YC flashes his headlights. Taxi slows to walking pace.
YC puts headlights on full beam and moves to within a millimeter of Taxi's rear end.
Taxi Driver pull over onto the pavement - stops.
YC drives in front of the Taxi and stops.
YC now arguing with the Taxi Driver.
YC keeps shouting at Taxi Driver.
Taxi Driver keeps shrugging his shoulders. YC shouts louder.
Taxi Driver shrugs his shoulders some more.
YC pulls out "Traffic Book". Writes a traffic ticket.
Thrusts the Traffic Ticket at Taxi Driver.
Taxi Driver gives his shoulders a final shrug.
YC back in LandRover.
We're off at speed.
Lights flashing. Siren screaming
Arrive at my car. Wife already there.
Introduce her to YC. Handshakes.>
YC produces Clamp Key. Unlocks brass padlock securing Clamp.
A problem!
Inside the Clamp is a mass of nuts and bolts securing Clamp to car wheel.
Dubai's first vehicle clamp has been made in Dubai Police Workshops.
A further problem!
YC doesn't have spanners. YC is stuck!
Wife remembers there are spanners in her car.
YC and me sort out the spanners then undo nuts and bolts.
YC removes Clamp.
Puts Clamp into his LandRover.
Smiles, handshakes all round.
An experience shared!.
We are friends!
Wife is wise in Dubai's ways.
"You used our tools. How about a discount?"?
YC doesn't respond. Laughter all round.
More handshakes.
We part company with YC and drive home.

Week later Dubai Police Summons arrives in the post.

Tells me I've been fined 120 Dirhams for illegal parking!!!!!

120 Dirhams!! That's 30 Dirhams less than the Sergeant quoted me!!!!

A 20% SAVING!!!!

Back in 1970s Dubai,
if you didn't ask for a discount,
you didn't get one !!!

Naif Police Station