Owning Abras was considered a suitable business for Dubai's local Ladies
Abras were licensed by Dubai Municipality
Local Ladies owned these Licences and the Abras
Local Ladies also owned Taxi Licences and Taxis
Rowing Abra
Abras were the only convenient way to cross Dubai Creek prior to Al Maktoum Bridge opening in 1963.
These Abras, rowed by solitary local boatman, ferried six people at a leisurely pace across Dubai Creek.
Creek crossings were not always easy!
Rowing Abras were small wooden boats made using traditional building methods. Carrying around six passengers and the Boatman, these Abras had no "creature comforts" other than a rudimentary sunshade. Boarding an Abra was never easy. With no purpose built Abra Stations back then, passengers had to scramble over rocks on Dubai Creek's embankment, then carefully step onto this small unstable Abra. Passengers boarded one by one as a result!
Boatman used two simple oars made from tree branches and wooden planks tied by rope. Placing one foot against a deck beam, the Boatmen then pushed against this beam to lever short quick rowing strokes propelling the Abra sedately through the water. Progress was never fast.
Boatmen were all older local Arabs, usually thin and wiry with muscles as a taut as piano wire. Tide, current and wind affected their progress so there was never a direct course from one side of the Creek to the other. Battling tide, current and wind meant rowing either up or down the Creek to beat the weather or take advantage of it.
Crossing Dubai Creek in a Rowing Abra was always a memorable experience.
A Colleague learned Arabic by taking a Rowing Abra to and from work each day and speaking Arabic to the local Boatman.ALL THIS FOR JUST 25 FILS ONE WAY!!!
In latter years as Dubai's Oil Business grew, the Rowers had to negotiate massive barges and tugs making their was out of Dubai Creek to Dubai's Offshore Oilfields.
Sitting on one of these little Abras as the barge passed by could be a daunting experience, more so when a barge's wash hit the rowing Abra.
Dubai never recorded an accident with a rowing Abra caused by a barge - which is remarkable.
Simon Adams
After Dubai Creek was dredged and made deeper Rowing Abras began to be replaced.
Diesel engine powered Abra in 1960s began replacing Rowing Abras. They were larger, faster and noisier!
Dubai Creek Development in 1980s provided purpose built Abra Stations
Rowing Abras finally disappeared from Dubai Creek.